How to Use Blog Commenting in SEO

One of the ways to make your site or blog interactive is through blog comments. Blog comments help you gain backlinks to your site and also drive traffic on your blog. Each time we recognize a pleasurable topic on a specific blog, we want to thank the person who wrote it.

Each time you appreciate someone’s blog, you take their encouragement on a new level just by leaving a comment on their post. It is also a way of building lasting relationships. Blog commenting is also one of the ways of generating quality traffic to your website and it plays a big role in SEO as well.

Blog commenting in SEO also helps you build quality backlinks that will rank your website by getting Google interested. If you use Ahrefs or OpenSiteExplorer you will be able to notice that a lot of blog comments help generate backlinks.





Meaning of Blog Commenting


Blog commenting is the association or relationship between blogs, blog readers, and bloggers. It is the perfect platform to share thoughts, exchange ideas and opinions on what people think or feel about a particular blog post or topic.

Blog commenting in SEO is the action taken by blog readers, blog viewers and visitors. The visitors or the blog readers leave a comment on the post in question form when they want to ask something or just leave a comment to appreciate the post and how useful the information is for you, and the blog author replies to the comments posted by the readers and visitors.





Why Engage in Blog Commenting in SEO?


  1. It Will Generate A Lot of Traffic

If you want to generate a huge source of traffic for your website, blog comments can be of great help. By commenting on your own post, there is a very high chance visitors will check out the posts as well when they notice your comments.



  1. Brand Building

When a comment is left on an interesting blog post, it piques the interest of other readers, sometimes, simple comments turn into discussion topics. This goes to show commenting aids in blog commenting in SEO by helping to build your personal business or brand. Blog commenting also helps create an opportunity to attain long term link acquisition.

If you want to build your brand you have to make sure that you take part in blog commenting to drive traffic and improve the SEO positions. Blog commenting in SEO may seem like a minor milestone but once you get a hang of it, you will notice the effect.



  1. Backlinks

One of the main reasons to engage in blog commenting is to create a backlink for your site if you notice that your site isn’t getting enough traffic and you haven’t acquired authority from search engines. By commenting on other blogger’s posts you will also create a backlink for yourself and indirectly gain traffic.

To create backlinks you have to make sure that you have an articulate blog commenting strategy by keeping SEO by generating more backlinks that improves domain authority, improve page rank and MozRank.



  1. Brand Recognition

The wisest blog commenting in SEO should be within your niche. When you blog comment in your niche you are more likely to drive traffic from potential readers and users. Even if the visitors or users don’t comment on your post, the brand alone creates an impression of the visitor. This means that there is a likelihood that they could consider you in the future.





The Do’s of Blog Commenting in SEO


Always Use Your Real Name and Identity

Even though there are blogger who could care less whether you are a real brand or person trying to make your way through, it is wise to use your real identity. When you are appreciate other people’s work or trying to promote your own brand or even doing both at the same time, make sure you use your real name or identity.

The surprising thing is that there are people who actually care about the identity of the real person. Using your real name or identity can separate you from a respected author or member of the discussion forum and a spammer.

Even if you are new to a niche, people will rely on you and trust you more if you use you real identity or name and other credentials.

If you decide to use other terms or your keywords rather than your real name, you will not only ruin your reputation but your efforts as well because webmasters have a tendency of rejecting such comments.


Know More About The Website You Are Commenting On

If you are new in a niche that you have never been in before, it would be very unwise to just start commenting without having your facts right. To avoid embarrassing yourself in a niche that could possibly be your biggest traffic field, make sure you read the previous posts made by the post author in the same site.

The more you read the on the posts and the comments, you will understand the author’s psyche. You will also be able to understand the ways of thinking in the niche, the interests, and the writing style of the writer or author. This will eventually prompt you to comment wisely and carefully on his post in an impressive and impactful way.



Study and Understand Other Reader’s Comments

For blog commenting in SEO to work, you need to be a good blog commenter. To be an excellent blog commenter you need to make sure you go through the posts in the blog and study the good comments wisely.

If you are new to a particular niche then this is a must. When you read other people’s comments you understand their interests, tone, and most importantly how they present themselves in the niche. You also copy another person’s comment and add something unique using your personal tone.



Add Value

There is no doubt that we comment on a post when the information is appealing. This also goes to show that you have knowledge on the niche you are commenting on. Blog commenting in SEO requires you to effectively read up on the topic and author.

You need to make sure that you are carefully making your point understood. Avoid bringing up the same concerns or issue that have been previously brought up. To avoid this you need to make sure that you pay attention to that. To know this for sure, go through all the comments on a post to make sure the point hasn’t already been made by someone.



Make the Comments Shorter than a Blog But Lengthier than a Tweet

As a blog commenter you tend to fix your length and depth of comments.  The ideal length of the comment should be as short as a blog post which is 200-300 words and lengthier than tweet. The idea is to make the point substantial which is aided by making the comments of high quality and appealing length.

When you express your opinion, make sure you drop a reference link. If you feel that you may need to elaborate your comment further you can write about it on your posts. If you are lucky, the original author may edit his post again and include the bit of information you added on your blog as a reference link. However, avoid randomly dropping links.



Get Involved in Conversations

If you participate in a conversation through comments, then the best strategy is to be a good listener. It is obvious that people to listen to you more if you listen to them. You have to be interactive and engage actively in the discussion via the comments. Consider the other commenters points and make the point clear.



Promote the Blog Post You Commented On

If you want to get your comment noticed, this is a great strategy. If you commented on it then it means that you found the post interesting and others might as well. This means that it is also wise to promote the post publicly using your social media accounts.

This will allow other people to know about the post and see your comment and also join in on the conversation. On the social media post, make sure you tag the original blog writers or authors and you will get natural links for the website next time.

Become a Regular

Blog commenting in SEO requires you to be able to get many links from different domains you comment in. this might require you to become a regular commenter in the niche. Getting Gravatar may be of great help.

If the author uses Disqus, then make sure you sign up for a commenter account with then and be sure to get your profile photo up. Even if the commenting system is different, make sure that you have your photo associated with your comment.

This will allow the author and the frequent readers who frequently visit the site and blog comments will start to recognize you from your photo and associate you with important insights to your personal brand.



Take Extra Steps

If you want to leverage blog commenting in SEO, you need to go above and beyond you have to make the extra step if you want to capture the blog author’s attention and tweet or share the post.

For example, if you want to share the blog on social media, include the handles of the real owners. If you are also looking to gain more blog comments, you have to make sure you actively participate in the discussions via comments.





Mistakes You Should Avoid in Blog Commenting


blog commenting in seo


Using Your Keyword Too Much in the Name Section

There is nothing more annoying than a over-optimized keyword in the name section of comments. Like we mentioned above, you need to use your real name or identity to make your comments more appealing.

Make sure that your comment adds value to a blog post. This means the comment needs to be valuable, relevant, timely, and it has to use the commentator’s full name. The idea is to gain backlinks from comments to pass value to your website.

Whenever you left comments on the right post it would easily build up a link profile. But that was before the Google Penguin Update. However, today, the links form comments aren’t as powerful as they were then.



Not Using Your Full Name in The Comments

When you find a comment with a full name, the author becomes very excited about the user or reader. When they become excited, they tend to take their time to respond to their comments. This is a good content marketing tactic since it might send you qualified customers and leads.

Most people make the mistake of leaving comments without using their first name. Think of it as a marketing gig, and to attract the potential client’s, you have to give a proper introduction.

The ideal strategy is to introduce yourself with your real full name. Do not neglect to follow this rule if you want to leverage blog commenting in SEO. If you refuse to use your full names, you may miss out on an opportunity to promote your personal brand and the truth is that your brand starts with your real name. It will also let your readers to relate with you on a personal level and its best for effective content marketing.

One of the most effective blog tips is to help amplify the content of the blog author through your comments to establish content harmony to deliver dramatic results. Make your comment interesting and useful at the same time.



Avoid Generic Comments

By all means avoid using comments like “What an awesome post”, or other generic post. Such comments make you more of a spammer than an actual person.

Whether or not you are not a spammer, you will still be treated as one. What will contribute in blog commenting in SEO is actually giving beneficial information.



Using an Inactive or Fake Email Address

This is one of the worst mistakes when it comes to blog commenting SEO. Whether you deliberately or mistakenly used a fake email address, it will be horrible. This will break the communication avenue between the author and the commenter.

If you want to build trust with your target audience, make sure you use your real identity and email address. Create a new email specifically for commentators if you are worried about unwanted emails.  If you use a fake or invalid email address, you might miss out on business relationships that could have been potentially initiated in the comment section.  Chances are when the blog author notices a particular commentator he or she will reach them via their email address. So just to be sure, double-check your email before leaving comments.



Asking Queries Rather Than Contribute and Vice Versa

When dropping comments, there are people who go overboard. Most people don’t take time to consider the importance of the substance and content of the comment is very critical. It’s critical that the comments you leave are either questions or adds value.

You should however, avoid using your opinion as a fact or the gospel truth by all means necessary. If you are unsure of something, you should just ask a question. This will make the author to clear up and make more light of the complex or complicated sections.

However, if you are knowledgeable on the topic, add contribution by recommending a resource, or making a suggestion.



Excessive Links

If you want to link your blog in the comment section, make sure you restrict that to one link. You can use links to support your point or argument if the issue is critical. However, its best only have one link in the comments if you want to indulge blog commenting in SEO.



Using Spammy Comment

Spammy words are vague words and they tend to go beyond what robots spread in the web. It has been estimated that most global email traffic is 80% spam. Try your best to avoid spammy comments and make the comment relevant and straight to the point.




blog commenting in seo

Blog commenting in SEO is a very important practice if you want your site or blogs to be noticed. It’s also one of the ways you can attract more traffic and gain more followers. It will give you a SEO boost and also lead you to create lasting relationships with other blog bloggers. Blog commenting in SEO is definitely one of the ways to grow your network and monetize your blog.

Don’t underestimate the power of the organic traffic and relationships you will generate from blog commenting. You need to actively comment on other people’s blogs to attract others to your site and their comments as well.